Wednesday, June 2, 2010


The Worldcup is coming, that is no secret for anyone... And for the people that don't enjoy very much this sport (like me) would like that those days would be like any other days of the year.
But, the fact is that every men I know, and some women too, will be obsessed with it! So, tragicly, I will have to destine some minutes of my day for hear my boyfriend, my father and my male friends talk and talk about it...
That will be a proof of tolerance and patience, because I really don't care about it!
But the Worldcup will have some positive things too, like see happy and with hope to the people you love and even when you won´t share the joy of the game.
The bad thing is that our country, Chile, doesn't have many options for win this Worldcup :( An that is bad because the whole country will be so much sad and depressed because the hopes that they have now will be disappear...
I don´t like the stereotype of the football player... I prefer men with brain and sense of humor than muscle and money XD
According to my boyfriend opinion the country that will win is Spain because is the most prepared and the strongest team. They also have so many good players like Van Persie, "El niño" (The kid), Torres and Ikel Casillas. They all have a very strong international trajectory and they are good evaluated.

1 comment:

  1. I share you opinion about men completely!!!
    I just want to say that Van Persie is not from Spain. He is Dutch...
