Tuesday, August 31, 2010


The country that I would like to visit someday is Mexico. I choose this country because is one of the greatest of Latin America and because it have a lot of history and conserve a lot of ancestral traditions that I would like to know.

Mexico is known in the world because a lot of things. First of all because it was the place where one of the most important empires of Latin America had it home: The Aztec Empire. This empire was a pre-Columbian culture that develops a monumental architecture in the years when the machines that we know to build that type of things doesn’t exist at all. That’s because this architecture is so valuable.

In our days in Mexico happens a really curious party. This party is called “El día de los muertos” (The day of the dead people) and is a party that mixes the Indian traditions and the catholic religion

to honor the people that they love and that pass the way. They prepare a lot of food for the dead ones and make floral arrangements for them.

I would like to visit this country and see those traditions for myself, so if I go would be just as a vacation. But I think that if the occasion presents I would like to study or work in the National Autonomist University of Mexico that is located in this beautiful country.

Wednesday, August 25, 2010

The last term

Hi! Welcome to my first post of the English IV’s course. In this post I will write about the first term of the 2010. That was also the first term on the Sociology career for me, and because of that, I spend a big part of the semester trying to understand this new world that is for me, the University of Chile and this Faculty specifically.

I also have to get used to the rhythm of the study and organized my time to do all the things that I like and have to do. I think that the “time issue” was the most problematic of the term and was a whole challenge to organize my time, because I wasn’t used to spend so many time reading and studying and I have to sacrifice time with my family and friends for that. But, finally, the time I spend studying was worth it because I passed all the courses and I learn a lot of the sociologic discipline.

I didn’t do any sport last term because I didn’t have time enough for do it, but I had a little time to go the cinema with my boyfriend and friends and for a couple of concerts that I wanted to go. But finally, It was a term in what I learned a lot of the career I’m studying and also about myself because I didn’t know that I could take so much pressure.